
Authoring interface translations

To provide new locale (interface translation) for PrinterShare console, follow these steps.

  1. Locate "Language" menu in PrinterShare console (File | Language on Windows). This menu shows you the list of currently available locales.
  2. Open C:\Program Files\PrinterShare\lang on Windows, or /Library/Application Support/PrinterShare/lang on MacOS. You will see xml files containing the locales.
  3. Download English locale or make a copy of another locale you are comfortable with. Rename it according to your target language. E.g. en_US.xml stays for English (United States).
  4. Open the file. You can use either an XML editor, or a plain text editor such as Notepad, this is not important for the end result. The file looks like this:

    <translation name="Русский" name-en="Russian" author="Nikita Frolov" version="2.0.7">
    <section id="Common">
      <text id="OK">OK</text>
      <text id="Cancel">Отменить</text>
    <section id="Errors">
      <text id="Error">Ошибка</text>

    Strings in blue are XML tags, don't change them. Strings in bold are text messages which need to be replaced by the messages in your language.
  5. Enter new locale name (change "name" attribute of "translation" element which goes first in the file).
  6. Locate "MainMenu" section and make a couple of simple changes to it.
  7. Save the file, exit and reopen PrinterShare console. Your new locale should appear in Language menu. When selected, your changes should be reflected in the main menu.
  8. Continue translating, starting with the parts you can easily identify.